Join us on Facebook
for Sunday Service!
Service starts at 10 a.m.
“For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.” ~ Ezra 7:10
Pastor Rich Hay and Teaching Elder Tom Safford invite you to join us on Sunday for praise and worship, through song, teaching, sharing, and a great message from the Word of God. We look forward to seeing you!
What We Believe
Read a Note from
Pastor Rich Hay and our
Statement of Beliefs.
Where We Meet
Consider joining us
Sunday for music,
teaching, sharing
and prayer.
Bible Studies
Special Occasions,
Good Times &
and Potlucks!
We Support
Missionaries &
Ministries, at
Home & Abroad.
First Friday of each month – Those who worship with OBF set an hour to pray, for our church, our community, our nation and the world. For needs in the area, go to PrayOlyPen.org. To pray for people around the world, go to Prayercast.com
Know Jesus
Would you like to know more about Jesus Christ and what He did for you?
Read the Four Spiritual Laws for an easy-to-understand introduction to Him and what He can do for you.
Olympic Bible Fellowship
meets online only on the OBF Facebook page (CLICK HERE) at 10 a.m. each Sunday morning. First Sunday of the month, we meet for communion and lunch in person at Las Palomas Restaurant (back room) in Sequim.